Newsletter No 74 - 9 January 2025

Newsletter No 74 - 9 January 2025


(12 Weeks to the 38th Murray to Moyne)

In this edition:

  • Registrations OPEN Saturday 20 January 2025 - Via the M2M website
  • Team Managers: Important Information.
  • Accommodation in Hamilton - Compulsory Stop.
  • Start locations for 2025 - Mildura & Echuca.
  • Nominating someone for the Graham Woodrup Memorial Award.
  • Joy ride M2M Video.
  • Dates for the 2025 Event.
  • Website Address:

Please Note:  The M2M Website might not be visible for a few days leading up to the Registration Opening due to maintenance and upgrades.

Please ensure you read the Monthly Newsletters and the Welcome Page of the Website to keep up to date!

Team Managers: Important Information:

Registrations Open on Monday 20 January; Team Managers will need to Register the Team and then yourself as Team Manager. You will also create a Team Registration Password that you send around (email) to your other team members, so they can Register and Join your Team. As Team Manager - You will also receive a Team Manager Password (So you can login in and check to see how the other members of the team are registering).

The Team Manager will also be asked Where you are going to stay in Hamilton ie Will you be “Finding your own Accommodation” or Staying at the “HILAC” option, or wish to camp in the “Hamilton Showgrounds” using the camping area or the  Sheep Judging Pavilion. This question is to ensure we understand the demands on the accommodation options in 2025.

Reminder:  The HILAC Accommodation Option in Hamilton commenced in 2024.  HILAC stands for:  Hamilton Indoor Leisure and Aquatic Centre and is located opposite the Hamilton Showgrounds at the corner of King and Shakespeare Street Hamilton.  Each Team using the HILAC Centre or the Showgrounds will be required to pay a $2:00 donation for the use of the showers.  Team Captains will check in at the entry to HILAC and pay the $2:00 per team member using correct change (Please).

Ride Options:

Night Ride:   520kms - The traditional event, as it has been for the last 38 years. Relay, riding Saturday, Saturday night and Sunday.

Registration Fee: $120 per person (including support crew)

Day Timers:  250 - 300kms - Relay Saturday until dusk, or finish in Horsham or Stawell, whichever is first by night (opting out of the night ride in to Hamilton), plus 90kms on Sunday.  This is a great option if you wish to avoid having to ride into Hamilton at night.  Some teams prefer an earlier evening or a counter meal in Hamilton after a long day in the saddle.

Registration Fee: $120 per person (including support crew)

Sunday Striders:  90kms - Relay from Hamilton to Port Fairy on Sunday.

Registration Fee: $60 per person (including support crew)

Registration is required for all team members, riders and support crew. Spot checks will be conducted throughout the event and teams found with unregistered members (riders and/or support crew) - our insurance requires that all participants are registered for the event. 

Riders must be 15 Years of age as at the 1 April 2025- to be eligible to Register.

How to Register Your Team:  Team Captains.

Step 1: Gather the information required to register:

  • Your name and contact details as team captain and be prepared to organise the riders in your team.
  • The official name and donation contact at your charity (name, phone & email) - generally this is the CEO or Finance contact at the charity.
  • Your preferred team name.
  • Decide which ride and your start, ie Mildura or Echuca
  • Where are you staying in Hamilton (Compulsory Stop for the night)
  • 1) At HILAC. 
  • 2) Camping at the Hamilton Showgrounds, Sheep Judging Pavilion or
  • 3) Have you arranged your own Teams accommodation for Saturday night.

Step 2: Register the team online:

Register Your Team Now.  Register as soon as you can to enable others to join your team.  Registration Closing Date:  Tuesday 25 March 2025

Step 3: M2M Administrator approves your team:

  • Your team management page goes live on the M2M website.

Step 4: Invite others to join your team.

  • Additional riders may now join your team and pay their own entry fee online. Invite them to join your team with the special link we emailed to the team captain when M2M approves the team.
  • Each Team member will be asked for their personal, medical and emergency contact details during the registration process. This information will only be used in the case of an emergency and is destroyed following the event.

For full details of the Murray to Moyne rules of the ride, conditions of entry,  event withdrawal criteria and event cancellation policy please refer to the website.

What is the 'Graham Woodrup Medal'?

It is an award presented at the finish in Port Fairy, which recognizes a person involved with the Murray to Moyne who has made a major contribution to their chosen Team or Health Service. This person may be a Rider, Support Crew or a major fundraiser. Any team can nominate someone they feel worthy of the Graham Woodrup Award.  Please make sure you read the Award Criteria and follow the application instructions. Applications Close Monday 3 March 25.

Please make sure you read the Guidelines !  Read the nomination Guidelines and address each dot point located under “the Rides” tab on the M2M website.

Please read and refresh your memory by reading the Important Event Information that can be found on the M2M Website:

M2M Joy Ride Video - Updated (Link)

If your Team or a Team Member is approaching a significant Milestone this year - please e-mail us the details and we will incorporate it into the next Newsletter.

Also if your team has been participating in the M2M for more than 10 years - please send us a digital photo of one of your early team photos and we will put it in the next couple of Newsletters.  (Please ensure you have permission from your Team Members before sending the photo).

Planning Dates for Your 2025 M2M

M2M– Saturday 5 April (Start of Vic School Holidays)

M2M– Sunday 6 April (End Daylight Savings)

Easter– Good Friday – 18 April

Easter– Saturday – 19 April

Easter– Sunday – 20 April

Easter– Monday – 21 April (End of School Holidays).

Please Note:  Its important Team Captains get organised and start to book accommodation on the river as the M2M will again be conducted at the start of the Victorian School Holidays.  The date for the M2M is selected to coincide with the ending of daylight savings - so we gain an extra hour!

We do know that a large Bowles Tournament is happening in Echuca this year !

The Murray to Moyne is a team relay event.  Participants raise funds for hospitals, health services and health related charities.  The event continues Graham Woodrup or Woody's dream of getting more people to realise the fabulous health and social benefits of riding a bike and using your talents to help people.

We wish to thank all of our 2025 event sponsors for their support and generosity.

Sponsors:Lane Transport - Killarney, Westvic Staffing Solutions, KFC - Bird Group, Big 4 Port Fairy Caravan Park, Rebecca's Cafe & Ice Creamery, Port Fairy Electrics, Langley's Accommodation, Hearn's, Port Fairy Accommodation.

Inkind Sponsors: Sunbeam Foods, Winners Sports Nutrition Bars & Gels  - Team Prize Pack, Warrnambool Toyota, Norton Motor Group, Callaghan Motors, Warrnambool Auto Group, McLaren - Hunt Financial Group. Taits Legal, G & M Auto Electrics, Allens Dupont Freight, Kyabram Removals, Donehue’s Leisure - Hamilton & Mt Gambier, Warrnambool Sheet Metal. Steve Gray - Sign Writing, Hamilton Indoor Leisure and Aquatic Centre (HILAC).

M2M Supporters:Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs, Moyne Shire, Moyne Health Service, Stawell Primary Schools, TechInsight Web Services, Hamilton SES, Java Jive Coffee - Hamilton, Great Coffee Moments - Port Fairy, Port Fairy Folk Festival, Victoria Police.