M2M Volunteers
Woody's Murray to Moyne is made possible by a large team of volunteers. This team of skilled personnel give their time to ensure the safety and wellbeing of participants. Volunteers include:
Ride Directors (2)
Lead vehicles (2)
Rear vehicles (2)
First Aid vehicles (2)
Marshalls – motor cycles (20)
Hamilton Ground Staff (4)
Port Fairy Ground Staff (6)
Corner Marshalls – 18 service clubs - up to 10 club members from every club.
Remember - we are all volunteers so please respect all our M2M officials and follow their directions when necessary.
Services and authorities involved in the organisation of the ride:
Victoria Police - Road Safety Officers
Vic Roads
Ambulance Victoria
Rapid Relief Team
Participating Shires:
Rural City of Mildura
Campaspe Shire
Rural City of Horsham
Northern Grampians Shire
Loddon Shire
Yarriambiack Shire
Buloke Shire
Southern Grampians Shire
Moyne Shire.