35th Murray to Moyne Cycling Relay: Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 April 22.
Registration Portal Now Open:
Team Captains are reminded to Register your Team First, Then yourself (set a Team Password) and then E-mail the Team Password to all your Team members - Remember all support members need to be Registered.
The M2M Cycle Relay is considered a low risk outdoor activity and therefore we have proceeded with the Opening of the Registration Portal for an April 2022 event. The M2M Committee have considered the current Covid-19 situation and are anticipating much lower Covid infection numbers by April 2022.
2022 Covid-19 Entry Requirements:
Each participant will need to complete the following entry requirements for this years event: These are the specific Covid-19 related Entry Requirements that are part of the Declarations you agree to when you Register:
I can confirm that I am fully vaccinated (double vaccinated with booster if eligible) against COVID-19 and I have not been diagnosed with COVID-19 (including any variant) within the last 14 days. I will have my electronic vaccination certificate available for inspection at the commencement of the event via the M2M Covid-19 Pre-Event Declaration (verified by my Team Captain).
I have not travelled outside of Australia within the last 14 days.
I am not experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 including but not limited to: cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, malaise, headache, sore throat, loss of sense of smell or taste.
During the ride I agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to the control of COVID-19 as well as any directions given by the Organisers, their agents, employees or authorised volunteers. This includes but is not limited to maintaining social distancing where possible. Carrying a face mask with me at all times and wearing it when required by law or when directed by the Organisers.
NOTE: If I have experienced any symptoms leading up to the event, I am required to complete a RAT (Rapid Antigen Test) at least 24 hours before the start. If I test positive, I will withdraw from the event. As required by the Department of Health and Human Services regulations.
If during the ride, I experience any symptom of COVID-19 or I become aware that my above declarations are no longer true I will immediately withdraw from the Ride. I will take appropriate steps to isolate myself. I will arrange to be tested for COVID-19 as soon as practically possible and if I am diagnosed as having COVID-19, I will inform the organisers of the event of the diagnosis as soon as practically possible.
All participants will be required to complete a Covid-19 Pre-Event Declaration, within 24 hours of the event commencing. The declaration forms will be included in the Team packs - issued to each Team Captain, either on the Friday Night or Saturday Morning of the event by the Ride Director on each route. All Declarations MUST be returned to the Ride Director before you start the event. This is the same process as last year and was very efficient.

Reminder – Please ensure you book your accommodation NOW.
Daylight Savings End - Sun 3 April 2022.
Note: Victorian School Holidays: Saturday 9 April to Monday 25 April 2022.
Note: Easter Public Holidays: Good Friday, 15 April. Easter Sunday, 17 April. Easter Monday, 18 April 2022.
Anzac Day – Monday 25 April 2022.

On Route Catering:
We are looking to be able to provide a full range of Catering Options this year including the provision of Expresso Coffee at the Hamilton Showgrounds by Java Jive Coffee. Order forms for the Dinner options will be E-mailed to Team Captains as soon as they are available. A full list of options will be included in the next newsletter.

The M2M was one of the very few cycling events to run in 2021 and the M2M committee are working to ensure we can do so safely again this year. Thanks for all your support.
The M2M is a community organisation established to provide support to Hospitals and Healthcare Services and we wish to add our voice in recognising the work of all our Healthcare workers who are being put under additional stress due to the uptick in Covid cases.