Posted 12 January 2022
Dates - 35th Murray to Moyne Cycling Relay: Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 April – 2022.
Registration Timetable:
The M2M Committee is working towards a 20 January 2022 opening of the Registration Portal (Same date as 2021).
We are envisaging that each participant will be required to indicate their vaccination status on a pre-event declaration form. Each participant will be required to be double vaccinated - and by April 2022 many will have received their Booster Vaccination.
Team Captain will be required to collect the "Participant Declaration Form" included with the Team Packs; on Friday night and hand the completed forms back to your Ride Directors at the start on Saturday morning. This process worked very well at the 2021 event.
Teams - You can now commence organising your teams for the 35th ride.
Reminder – Please ensure you book your accommodation well ahead.
Daylight Savings End - Sun 3 April 2022.
Note: Victorian School Holidays: Saturday 9 April to Monday 25 April 2022.
Note: Easter Public Holidays: Good Friday, 15 April. Easter Sunday, 17 April. Easter Monday, 18 April 2022.
Anzac Day – Monday 25 April 2022.
Vaccinations will be paying a much bigger part this year and we are strongly "recommending everyone takes the opportunity to get your vaccination as soon as it is available" - Including your Booster Shot.
The 2021 M2M was one of the very few cycling events to run this year and we are working to ensure we can do so safely again in April 2022.
During this season of thanksgiving and catching up with friends and family - please spare a thought for all our health professionals who have faced a very challenging 2 years due to the onset of the pandemic.
The M2M is a community organisation established to provide support to Hospitals and Healthcare Services and we wish to add our voice in recognising the work of all our Healthcare workers who are being put under additional stress due to the uptick in Covid cases.
Thanks for all your support and registration fees will be the same as last year. Have you started organising your Team for 22 ?