Posted 10 January 2022
Dates - 35th Murray to Moyne Cycling Relay: Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 April – 2022.
Teams - You can now commence organising your teams for the 35th ride.
The M2M Committee conducted its Annual General meeting recently and we are pleased to announce that the M2M executive is made up of the following: President: Peter Bollard; Vice President: John Ralph; Secretary: Kate Winnen; Treasurer: Jeff Mclaren and the following committee members were also elected: Peter Goy, Denise Wilkie, Jenny McLean, Charlie Blackwood, Barry Moran, Helen Tredinnick, Ailsa Paltridge, Coralie Ginn, Richard Litt and Sophie O’Keeffe (Moyne Health Service).
Preparations for the 2022 event are progressing well.
Vaccinations will be paying a much bigger part this year and we are strongly "recommending everyone takes the opportunity to get your vaccination as soon as it is available".
We are delaying the opening of the M2M Registrations portal until around 20 January 2022–same as last year – so we will be able to adapt to the latest DHHS requirements.
The M2M is a community organisation established to provide support to Hospitals and Healthcare Services and we wish to add our voice in recognising the work of all our Healthcare workers. Great to see the Covid numbers and hospitalisations slowly reducing. We hope this will continue and over the next couple of months.
Thanks for all your support and registration fees will be the same as last year. Start your planning NOW !