Newsletter No 40 - 4 March 2021

Newsletter No 40 - 4 March 2021

Registrations Close Wednesday 17 March 2021.

Team Captains:  Please Email this Newsletter to the members of your Team !!

Ride Update:  The 34th Murray to Moyne Cycle Relay. 

Registrations are proceeding normally and the M2M is weather forecast is looking good for the weekend.

New Echuca Route Start:  The start will this year be at the Port of Echuca Discovery Centre – 74 Murray Esplanade.  There is plenty of parking and the re-developed site is perfect for the M2M.

Catering on route options as of early February.

  • Echuca Route:  The Rapid Relief organisation have confirmed they will supply catering at the following venues for this year’s ride.  Start of Echuca – Breakfast RRT.  Navarre – Dinner - Navarre Football Club (CWA)  (To Be confirmed).
  • Swan Hill Route:  Rapid Relief – Start of Swan Hill – Breakfast. 
  • Mildura Route:  Beulah Primary School – Dinner – Relaxing venue, great food, cool drinks and great facilities – 
  • We will send out menus and order forms for these catering arrangements ASAP.
  • The provision of food on route is a difficult question this year due to the special requirements to meet the CovidSafe Strategy.  Normal commercial providers are also available in Stawell and across all routes.
  • Hamilton Compulsory Stop:  At the Show Grounds, the Lions Club will provide breakfast (Egg & Bacon rolls etc) before the ride commences from Hamilton to Port Fairy.
  • Hamilton to Port Fairy Via Macarthur:  No Catering this year.  (Toilets on Left opposite Post Office).
  • Hamilton to Port Fairy Via Hawkesdale:  No Catering this year.   (Toilets on right at Swimming Pool).
  • Team Captains:  Please ensure your members are registering.  Please ensure you forward on this Newsletter to your Team Members – being informed is essential for an efficient operation !


From the Ride Directors Desk: 

Reminders to Team Captains, Riders and Drivers.

Riders who will be riding at dusk should be carrying lights and be able to turn these on once the official lighting up time occurs.  Lights MUST be located on the bike and not on a helmet or person (as per the road law).Riders and team support should have the correct Fluoro vest for night riding.  That is - the vest has some reflective element to shine at night!

  • Light-up Times:   Sunset: Saturday 27 March = 7:21 pm           Sunrise: Sunday 5 April = 7:30 am 
  • Motor Cycle Marshals are strategically placed along the M2M route.  They are there to assist riders and teams with any emergencies and to ensure you are all following correct safety procedures and heading in the correct direction.  Please follow a Motorcycle Marshall’s directions as they have your safety as their prime responsibility.  Most charity bike rides do not have Motorcycle Marshalls and they are there for the safe running of the event and to ensure we comply with all VicRoads and VicPol requirements. Remember – the Marshalls are there to assist you and your team, they are all volunteers, use their own bikes, so please respect them in their role.
  • Team Drivers – Please ensure you stop in a safe place and not just anywhere along the side of the road. (Many teams stop exactly where the kilometer mark comes up).  This is not necessarily the safest place to get off the road.  Remember – your team members need space to get their bikes off trailers and get organised, so you need room and you need to be off the road. Safety comes First !!
  • Don't hesitate to ask the M2M Administrator, a competitive cyclist or someone who has done this ride before for help with your training, bike set-up, food, clothing, etc.

Graham Woodrup Memorial Award – 2021

Please think about nominating someone special !

Each year 'The Graham Woodrup Memorial Award' recognises someone who has displayed 'exceptional effort and inspiration' to others in the course of his/her team's involvement with the Murray to Moyne, In memory of 'Woody'.

Who is eligible for the award?

Any person associated with the Murray to Moyne, as a Rider, Support Crew or Event Volunteer. All potential recipients of the award (nominees) are required to be present at the Finish of the ride on Sunday 28 April 2021.

Criteria - Exceptional effort and inspiration:

Graham Woodrup or Woody as he was fondly known, was a visionary. He had a dynamic and enthusiastic personality, inspiring others by example to be generous with their talents by using them to help others. These characteristics epitomise this award for 'exceptional effort and inspiration to others'.

 Full nomination details can be found at the M2M Website:

Registration Update:

Team Managers and individual team members or potential members should be organising to register your Teams and individuals NOW.  Go to the M2M Website for details.

Registration Timetable:

Normal Registrations:  CloseWednesday 17 March 2021

If you have any questions: 

M2M Administrator via email: